Niceson Karungi

Mrs. Niceson Karungi specialises in leveraging technology to enhance judicial systems and governance. With over a decade of experience, she has played key roles in implementing innovative solutions and driving impactful change within the justice sector. Currently serving as an E-Justice Expert at Synergy International Systems Inc., Niceson leads efforts to optimise regional Case Management Systems and provide technical expertise across multiple countries including Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Eswatini, Jamaica, and Somalia. Previously, at the Judiciary of Rwanda, Niceson excelled as a Business Analyst and Software Development Specialist, leading training initiatives and coordinating system implementations including the Rwandan Integrated Electronic Case Management System (IECMS) used across all justice sector institutions, and Judicial Performance Management System (JPMS) to track real- time court and staff performance against set targets in the strategic plan. Her contributions have earned prestigious awards, including the best demonstration of innovative public management and Top Five Technology Solution Award for Rwanda IECMS. Mrs Niceson is also a published author and holds a master’s degree in software development from the University of Glasgow, UK., with a commitment to lifelong learning evident through various certifications and fellowships. She continues to drive innovation and shape the future of the justice sector through her knowledge and expertise.